Week 46
Right now many Danish churches are busy preparing so called Christmas boxes which are given to families who otherwise couldn’t afford to celebrate a traditional Danish Christmas.
The boxes contain food and snacks for a Christmas dinner – and some of the boxes also come with gifts for the children.
– PRAY for the churches which are preparing these boxes.
– PRAY that they’ll get money and food enough to make more boxes than ever before.
– And PRAY for the families who receive the boxes that the Lord will bless and protect them and that they’ll feel the box as a greeting from heaven.
(Photo: Handing out Christmas boxes in Åben Kirke Herning 2017
Week 47
– PRAY for unity among the churches in Denmark.
– PRAY that the unity of The Holy Spirit may unite Christians from different denominations and traditions.
– PRAY that Christians from a wide rang of churches will join together in social and missiological projects.
– And PRAY that the need for God to touch the nation of Denmark will unite Christians in prayer and fasting.
(Photo: Rawpixel/Unsplash)
Week 48
This week two danish churches was in the media because they are creating meeting points for their communties with their new buildings. The idea is to get in contact with a lot of people while the church buildings are used as meeting points for culture, business and church life.
– PRAY for these two churches that the Lord will let their dreams come true.
– PRAY for other churches in Denmark which are using their buildings to bless the local community to social work.
– PRAY that the Lord will fertilize the meeting between culutural life and chuch life in Denmark.
Week 49
Earlier we have told that almost all members of the Danish parliament during these months would receive an invitation to visit churches outside the state church (called free churches) to see what’s going on.
We asked You to pray for these invitations – that many politicians would accept them, and that God would sow his seed into the hearts of the politicians.
Until now more than 50 of 179 MP’s have accepted the invitation!
– SEE the video with the response from two MP’s.
– GIVE THANKS to the Lord for what he has done.
– PRAY that he’ll continue to bless these visits and invitations. There are still MP’s who haven’t got their invitation yet.
Week 50
Right now, the official Danish national television, called DR, are showing three programs with the title “I met Jesus”.
In the programs the viewers among other things meet different persons who have had supernatural encounters of various kind with Jesus.
– PRAY for the programs – that the Holy Spirit will speak to people while they’re watching.
– PRAY that people will start to talk to and seek Jesus as a result of the programs.
– PRAY that the Lord will increase the number of these supernatural revelations to nonbelievers.