Good news about refugees converting til Christ
Good reports are coming out concerning refugees in Denmark: There is an estimated 1.000 refugees having converted to Christ in the last year. Many churches are working with the refugees now. Once a month a new church among immigrants is planted.
1 Religious speech under pressure
A television documentary in the beginning of 2016 showed different imams in Denmark encouraging acts to defy Danish laws. This led to the government proposing laws that will criminalize certain religious utterances for all religious people. The intention was to restrict the utterances of the imams, but this will in turn affect all religions, and therefore also Christian pastors. The specific laws are being worked out right now.
- Pray that Christian pastors and leaders will keep their freedom of religious speech.
- Pray for the the pastors in contact with the government. Pray for divine favour with the government, especially the Ministry of Church Affairs.
- Pray that the wording of the law will be beneficial for the Christians.
2 The medias in Denmark
- Pray that there will be an increase in positive media coverages concerning pastors, Christians and churches.
- Pray for more Christians to become journalists and have a positive influence in the media.
- Pray that Christian values and faith will be highlighted in the medias.
3 Pray for the youth of Denmark
- There are many Summer camps in Denmark for families and youths. Pray that there will be a wake-up call for young Christians to make a difference in Denmark.
- There is an initiative concerning starting a Christian high school in the capital of Copenhagen. Pray that this school will become a reality.
- Pray in general for a strengthening of all Christian schools in Denmark.
Other focus areas
- ”Pray… ”for kings (our queen, prime minister etc.) and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 1 Tim 2,1-2
- Christians taking responsibility in bringing Christian values to society
- A Spirit of prayer. That there wil be an awakening of a hunger for the presence of God.
- That God will raise up boldness in His people to be light and salt to the world. Pray that the Christians will have strength to speak up for what they believe.
- Release of God’s power. Pray according to Acts 4,29-31.